38year old male with chronic liver disease

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

A 38 yr old male who is a motor dweller came to op with c/o abdominal distension, loss of appetite, loose stools since 1 week 

Pt was apparently asymptomatic 1 week back then he developed distension of abdomen and flanks are full not associated with pain 

Loose stools of 5 to 6 episodes mucoid in consistency, small quantity and no  foul smelling

Feeling of complete defecation +

No history of loss of taste sensation

No H/ of pain abd , vomtings, haematemesis, bleeding gums, malena, shortness of breath , pedal edema

Past history : 

Pt had similar complaints 2years ago

H/o jaundice 2 years ago

He is a K/c/o diabetes mellitus type 2 and on medication (glimi m2)

Personal history :

Mixed diet

Decreased appetite

Decreased flow of urine


Alcoholic (180 ml whisky daily since 7 years) due to divorce with his wife.

Tobacco 4-5 times per day since 8 years

Vitals :

Pt is C/C/C , moderately built and moderately nourished

Pallor present

Icterus present

Clubbing, cyanosis, lymphadenopathy,pedal edema - Absent


Bp : 120/80 mm hg

Pulse : 92 BPM

Resp rate : 18 cpm

Local examination :

Per abdomen : Inspection :

Shape : distended

Umbilicus :everted

Engorged veins present

No visible pulsations,no scars, no sinuses


Hepatomegaly is present

Liver span is 14cm

Splenomegaly is present


Free fluid present

Shifting dullness is present

Fluid thrill is absent

Auscultation :

Bowel sounds present


S1,S2 heard

No murmurs

Resp system:

NVBS present ,BLAE present


Cranial nerves intact

Sensory system intact

Motor system intact

Provisional diagnosis :

Chronic liver disease

Investigations :


Prothrombin time

Blood group
Complete urine exam




1)Inj Thiamine 1amp in 100 ml NS IV TID
2)Inj Pantop 40 mg IV BD
3)Inj Optineuron 1amp in 100ml NS IV OD
4)Inj Norflox 400mg IV BD
5) Tab Lasilactone 20/50mg OD
6) Tab Glimi M2 OD before food
7)Syrup Hepamerz 10ml BD

Day 1:
3 episodes of stools , mucoid in consistency,non foul smelling.
On examination:
Pt is C/C/C, pallor present , icterus present
Abd girth : 83cm

Vitals :
Bp:120/80 mm hg
Pulse: 92bpm
Resp rate:18cpm,NVBS
CVS : S1,S2 heard
No murmurs
Investigations :
Stool for occult blood:

Treatment :
1) Inj Norflox 400mg IV BD
2) Tab Lasilactone 20/50mg PO /OD
3)Inj Optineuron 1amp in 100 ml NS IV OD
4)Inj Pantop 40 mg IV BD
5)Tab Glimi M2 OD before food
6)Tab Sporolac ds TID

Day 2:
3 episodes of stools mucoid in consistency
Bp :120/80 mm hg
Resp rate :18 com
CVS : S1,S2 heard, no murmurs
Investigations :

1)Inj Norflox 400 mg IV BD
2)Tab Lasilactone 20/50mg PO/OD
3)Inj Optineuron 1amp in 100ml NS IV OD
4)Inj Pantop 40 mg IV BD
5)Tab Glimi M2 OD before food
6)Tab Sporolac ds TID 

Day 3:
C/o 3 episodes of loose stools 
Abd girth : 82cm
Bp : 110/60 mmHg
Pulse:72 bpm
Resp rate:18cpm
Investigations :

1)Inj Norflox 400mg IV BD
2) Tab Lasilactone 20/50mg PO /OD
3)Inj Optineuron 1 amp in 100ml NS IV OD
4) Inj Pantop 40 mg IV BD
5)Tab Glimi M2 OD before food
Day 4 :

1) 2 amp of Kcl in 500 ml NS over 5hours
2) Insulin actropid according to sliding scale


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