16 year old with Pancytopenia

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome. 

Case presentation : 

A 16 year old female , who is a student came with chief complaints of low grade fever since 1 week 
    Patient was  apparently normal 1 week ago then she developed  low grade fever which was intermittent type usually seen in the afternoon , not associated with any chills and rigor, associated with dry cough.
  No h/o cold , sob, vomitings, rash, loose stools,pain .
   There is h/o jaundice with fever 1year back which decreased after hospitalisation

Past history :
      No h/o hypertension, diabetes mellitus,asthma, epilepsy,thyroid 
Menstrual history :
       Age of menarche : 11 years
       Irregular cycles 
       She bleeds for 4 days , no clots and no dysmenorrhoea

 Personal history :
      Normal appetite
       Adequate sleep
      Bowel and bladder regular

On examination:
   Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative moderately built and moderately nourished
    Pallor - present
     Icterus - present
    Clubbing , cyanosis, lymphadenopathy,edema - absent
    Pulse : 96bpm
     Bp: 110/60 mm hg
     RR : 18cycles /min
Systemic examination :
    CVS : S1, S2 heard
     Apex beat 4th ICS medial to midclavicular line
    Resp : BLAE + , NVBS
    GIT : Bowel sounds present
    CNS : No focal deficit
     P/A : Soft and non tender
              Mild splenomegaly present
   Investigations :

Bt and Ct

     Thyroid profile

Blood parasite
Reticulocyte count 


Chest x ray

Provisional diagnosis :
      Pancytopenia (? B12 deficiency)
      ? Clinical Malaria
Day 1 :
 Vitals :
 Bp : 110/60 mmHg
 PR : 72bpm
 Per abd : 
 Soft,  non tender, bowel sounds present
Mild splenomegaly present
Treatment :
1) Inj Falcego 120mg IV 
2) Tab doxycycline 100mg PO /BD
3) Inj Pantop 40mg IV OD
5) Inj Optineuron 1 amp in 100ml NS IV OD
6) Tab PCM 650mg PO SOS
Day 2:
Pt c/o 2episodes of Malena 
 No fever , hematuria , petechiae
Vitals :
PR: 72bpm
BP : 110/60 mm hg
PA : mild splenomegaly present
Investigations :
 HB : 3.8gm/dl
TC : 4000
Platelets : 46000
1 unit PRBC was transfused
Day 3:
BP : 100/60mm hg
PR : 87bpm
Hb : 5.3gm/dl
Platelets : 52000
2d echo :


Day 4:
Vitals :
PR : 72bpm
BP : 110/70mm hg
Investigations :
 Hb : 5.5gm/dl
WBC : 4200 
Platelets : 1.5 lakh/mm3
Treatment :
1) Inj Nervigen 1amp in 100 ml NS IV OD
2) Inj Falcego 120mg IV stat
3) Tab  Pantop 40mg OD PO
4) Tab. Orofer XT PO OD

 Day 5:
 1 unit PRBC transfusion is done


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